Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Oct 17 @ The Glass House Pomona

Last Thursday, 10/17,  I had the pleasure of shooting the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club at the Glass House in Pomona Ca.  This was the bands last stop on a long road trip around the US. When a band has been on the road, you never know what you are going to get with the last show.  

I had been looking forward to shooting these guys for the last couple of weeks. As a photographer,  I knew this was going to be a hard shoot.  BRMC does not light their stage like most bands.  They use a lot of back lighting and it can be very intense. For most of the show, the stage was dark except for the back lights and a couple of spot lights that were pointed at their guitars. I was looking forward to some very grainy intense pictures and I was not disappointed. The band is very edgy and they lived up to their name and reputation the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club had in the 1953 Marlin Brando movie The Wild One.

This is a great band to see with or without a camera.  While this was one of the hardest shoots I have had,  I hope to shot them again the next time the come through So Cal.

Go to my web site to see more pictures from last Thursdays show, JM Photography. Or follow me on Twitter to get the latest updates

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

AXS TV Worlds Greatest Tribute Band - Led Zeppelin - Led Zepagain

For the last 10 weeks, I have seen some great tribute bands.  These have all been the best of the best in the tribute band arena.  It is impossible to say who was the best.  They all represented different styles and different eras in rock music. 

Granted they were the last band of the season, but all season I heard people talking about wanting to see Led Zepagain.  I saw them about a month ago at a concert in the park in my local city so I knew what expect.  However, seeing them at an open venue like the City Hall yard and inside at the Roxy, is completely different. The sound system is 100% better and the lighting is top notch.

I arrived at the Roxy an hour and half before the doors opened.  Not to stand in line but to get dinner at the Rainbow room next door.  On a side note,  I highly recommend eating there.  When we arrived, there were already a dozen people waiting in line to get in. By the time I was done eating, there was at least 100 people waiting to get in.  

When the doors open at 7:00, there was a rush to get a spot around the stage.  The Roxy is a small place and the camera crew has taken up some of the valuable real-estate around the stage.  Very quickly I was packed into my spot for the night.

At 8:01 the curtain went up and you would have thought the real Led Zeppelin was on stage.  David "Swan" Montgomery embodies Robert Planet in looks and sound. He is able to master the unique voice of the iconic lead singer.  On guitar was Jimmy Sakurai playing to a tee the Jimmy Page guitar which included the Gibson double neck guitar.  He also added his own flair with a remarkably embroidered Japanese outfit (see the pictures below).  I am not sure what it is with most bass players.  They all seem to be happy in the corner of the stage playing their instrument.  And that was true for Jim Wootten as John Paul Jones. While he may have stood off the the side of the stage, there was no missing his bass and key board playing.  Last but not least is Jim Kersey on drums.  I could have watched Jim Play the drums all night.  I think the only person that could have play those songs any better is the son of John Bonham, Jason.  It would be an incredible show to see those two play side by side.

If you did not get a chance to see Led Zepagain on TV or at the Roxy,  they are playing Friday night at the LA County Fair.  They are worth the price of admission.  Check out their web site for up coming shows.

As this is the last show of season 2 of AXS TV's Worlds Greatest Tribute Bands I would like the thank Katie Daryl for giving me the opportunity to photograph the entire season and the Roxy for being such a great place to shoot at.

Go to my web site to see more pictures from last nights show, JM Photography. Or follow me on Twitter to get the latest updates

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

AXS TV World's Greatest Tribute Bands - Depeche Mode - Strangelove

Week 9 from AXS TV's World’s Greatest Tribute Bands hosted by Katie Daryl at the Roxy in West Hollywood was Strangelove a tribute to the 80's electronic music band Depeche Mode.  After last week’s heavy metal band the Iron Maidens, Strangelove was at the other end of spectrum for rock music. Depeche Mode is much darker and subdue in their music. The audience was also much more subdue other than one girl who danced the entire show.   If you saw the show, you know who I am talking about.  The cameramen were filming her a lot throughout the night and talking about it afterwards.

The band is made up of Freddie Morales as "Devotional Dave" Gahan. Brent Meyers as "Counterfit" Martin Gore. David Sepe as "Alan Wildest" Wilder.  And Jake Jordan as Andy "InTheFletch" Fletcher

I have seen Depeche Mode several times over the years and it was unbelievable how much Freddie sounded like Dave Gahan.  Even on the replay at home while I was processing the pictures from the show, I thought I was listening to the real Depeche Mode. Brent also sounded just like Martin Gore.

If you are looking to get a warm up to the Depeche Mode concert coming up at the end of the month or don't have the money for a concert, look up Strangelove’s tour schedule and go see them.  You will not be disappointed.

Go to my web site to see more pictures from last nights show, JM Photography. Or follow me on Twitter to get the latest updates